How Virtual Assistant Will Look Like in The Year 2050?

Citrus Dumbean
3 min readDec 17, 2021

A Virtual Assistant is a self-employed independent contractor who provides professional administrative, technical, or creative assistance to clients remotely from a home office. These assistants are hired by a company to reduce the cost of maintaining an office. As this assistance provided is virtual in nature, small companies or start-ups can save money. In today’s world, a virtual assistant can have years of experience. Their work can vary as per a client’s need. The assistant can be making a social media post, writing a blog and helping with bookkeeping tasks. As per a virtual survey, Virtual administration is one of the top five fastest-growing sectors.

Till the invention of the internet and integration of technology with the internet, this field of virtual administration was limited to only humans. But now, this ability is not limited to only humans. This new technological advance is called Virtual Personals Assistants (VPAs). As per a survey done by Gartner, by end of this year, some businesses and consumers will be spending $3.5 Billion on VPAs. Large scale companies such as Apple and Google have already started to integrate their software with virtual assistants such as Siri and Google Assistant.

As per a survey done by Gartner, by end of this year, some businesses and consumers will be spending $3.5 Billion on VPAs.

The innovation’s motivation can be linked with sci-fi movies. Movies are one of the primary sources of motivation. As the popularity of sci-fi movies and the technological reach of humans grow, innovation of a fully automated ‘chat bot’ is inevitable.

The innovation of VAs has gone even further and scientists have started making prototypes for a humanoid.

Many companies have already started to outsource their work to different banking companies. This is taking away the concept of the human-based virtual assistant. Many companies are favouring this concept because it provides simple and quick assistance to their customers. For example, Tata Sky DTH service provider is featuring a chatbot on its website to navigate customers through trivial matters across the website. This bot is still a work in progress as many aspects of it need further investigation.

Looking at the innovation of this feature and the ongoing pandemic, many inventors have tried to come up with a virtual assistant. One of the best examples is Life-Size Holographic Anime Character. It made its debut in Japan. To my surprise, the life-size holographic anime character is also available for home, just as Alexa and Google Mini, but better. The main advantage of this Holographic Virtual Assistant (HVA) is that it can pop right in front of you for your assistance.

The innovation of VAs has gone even further and scientists have started making prototypes for a humanoid. This humanoid is a machine operated with voice command but it’s only a matter of time before the prototype becomes fully automated and capable of assisting a person. This form of a virtual assistant is superior to others because it provides has a physical presence. Its efficiency rate will be higher than any other invention too.

But the problems that arise from this bot and AI innovations are linked to the working mechanism. The bot or any AI in this context uses a person’s personal information to customise itself, which in today’s world is a big problem for companies. To resolve this, Apple’s motive for their product is ‘privacy’.

This bot might not take over the field by surprise as companies have already started investing in it. But companies may prefer to have a bot supervised by a human supervisor because the feature is far from perfect. Day by day the bot is advancing, slowly but surely.

The innovation will change the whole dynamics of the field of Virtual Administration. Looking at the recent inventions such as Siri, Hologram Virtual Assistant and Grace (A HVA offering care for older people) it’s safe to say that the future of Virtual Assistant, however bright, is making human appeal decline. With this, human assistants can hold the position of a supervisor to help morally, but the front desk jobs will be snatched by human beings operated by Artificial Intelligence.



Citrus Dumbean

● Visionary. Ambitious. Observant. Decisive. Sportsperson ● My motto- Reach new heights every day.