Parallel Between Minions And Humans

Citrus Dumbean
3 min readApr 15, 2024

We make a list of goals we wish to achieve which are nothing but a mere list of things that help us wake up each morning. Recently I checked off a goal of mine and now, I have nothing better to do. Every day feels aimless, random and mundane. That made me truly think — what is my next aim?

I recently watched Minions. I was surprised by its simplicity and powerfulness. It is a prequel to the successful movie series Despicable Me. It shows us the journey of minions right from their inception, how they are in the middle of a never-ending quest to find their master. Amid their journey, there is a deep-lying message which is hard to miss. I had an instant connection with the movie which might be because of my recent listless behaviour.

Photo by Onur Binay on Unsplash

One thing that is clearly shown from the start of the movie, minions exist to serve their master. They long for the services of their master, who has to be the biggest badass on the planet. So naturally they end up looking for this strongest survivor. They have served multiple creatures like sea monsters, dinosaurs and cavemen. But unfortunately, something always goes wrong and their master ceases to exist (humorously due to minions).

Humans are very similar to minions. Instead of looking for masters, we look for our goals. And once we finish it, we look out for new things. They can be as small as waking up in the morning to planning out years of our lives. Anything that can keep us going.

They can be their true selves without having to worry about their master

In the movie, after serving countless masters a time comes when minions are forced to retreat into an isolated life. They realise it might be the best thing for them. They party, play all day, and do everything they had hoped for. They can be their true selves without having to worry about their master. But soon, this masterless life feels mundane. They feel empty following their instincts. For us, humans, there comes a time after finishing a big task when we feel lethargic, majorly due to the lack of a goal. We are satiated with our sense of achievement so much that going easy on daily chores feels satisfactory.

Soon after living like this, Kevin wants to step out and save his tribe by finding them a new master. Stuart and Bob join him. They are sent off with a blast. With everybody’s hopes on their shoulder, Kevin, Stuart and Bob work their way to America. They go to a summit for villains and find themselves a master(Scarlet Overkill). And once again, minions were happy to be in service of a master. What happens next is a series of unfortunate events (or fortunate), creating chaos and panic. Finally, after everything settles down, they meet their new and current boss — Gru.

Photo by Léonard Cotte on Unsplash

Isn’t this how humans are? For minions, they long to provide their best services to their master. As for humans, once we visualise a goal, work towards it with all the dedication and passion. We work till we fulfil it and suddenly, we are back in action, being the main character of our lives. Without these goals or to-do lists, we feel stagnant. A befitting benefit of this is that we can give our time and energy to building the right path to success. Through this little process, we not only optimise our lives but elevate our sense of self.



Citrus Dumbean

● Visionary. Ambitious. Observant. Decisive. Sportsperson ● My motto- Reach new heights every day.